Meetings and Special Events
​Texas Lions Golf Tournament Duties:
Select candidates for the Texas Lions Camp Golf Tournament in Fredricksburg.
Create teams, collect entrance fees and coordinate travel to the event.
Communicate with Fredricksburg Lions Club regarding our club's participation and coordinate relevant activities.​​
Greeter Duties:
Make everyone (members and guests) welcome as they arrive for a Club meeting.
Ensure all members wear their name badge.
Help people to be seated with different members at each dinner meeting.
Work with local sources (realtors, new neighbor groups, etc.) to meet and greet new residents and provide them with information on our Club and an invitation to come meet with us.
July 4th Parade Duties:
Create theme for July 4th Parade Entry.
Decorate Float, prepare entry forms, etc. to enter parade.
Board will decide who rides on float each year.
Meal Reservations Duties:
Work with e-communications team to ensure e-mail notifications go out on a timely basis to all active members and others as needed for each regular meeting.
Ensure meal count gets to the caterer on a timely basis before applicable meetings.
Special Events Duties:
Organize Christmas Party & and Officers' induction Ceremony with early planning and execution.
Recommend and organize other activities, as required.​
Programs for Membership Meetings Duties:
Schedule and provide speakers and/or entertainment for regular club meetings.
Maintain a balance between educational, informational and entertaining programs.
Include periodic programs on Lionism.
Road Warriors Duties:
Quarterly clean Ranch Road 12 from the Exxon Stations to Winter Mills Road.
Work with e-communications team to send emails to Wimberley Lions members for volunteers
Provide the necessary equipment - garbage bags, trash grippers, and vests.