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Lions Club Management

Membership Duties:

  • Recruit and retain members and schedule Orientation meetings at least quarterly.

  • Ensure sponsors fulfill their responsibilities.

  • Track meeting attendance. Call any member who misses two consecutive regular meetings to determine the reason for the absence.

  • Coordinate with the Secretary on membership changes.  

  • Maintain the membership contact information in the Club's email tool.

  • Contact all members as needed and report results to the Board and follow-up on sick members status, including offers of help, as needed.

  • Responsible for flowers and memorials. Send e-mails to memership with notices of member passings.


Lion Development Duties:

  • Follow the activities of Lions in the Club.

  • Recommend improvements of procedures as needed.

  • Work with Membership and Attendance Committee for attendance records.

  • Recognize outstanding service.

  • Ensure grooming for future Club officers.

  • Recommend "Outstanding Lion" and present awards.


​Benevolent Committee Duties:

  • Provide meals, visits and assistance to sick Lions as needed.


Public Relations Duties:

  • Obtain coverage of Club activities in local, Austin and San Antonio media.

  • Develop articles on Club activities and achievements and submit them to Lions Magazine for publication.

  • Prepare District communiques when needed.


Finance Duties:

  • Develop and prepare the Field & Administrative budgets and accounts.

  • Present necessary updates, reports and modifications to the Board and membership.​​​​​​​


Risk Management & Safety Duties:

  • Identify possible accidental loss potential to the Wimberley Lions Club.

  • Develop programs to minimize or prevent those losses.

  • Analyze and recommend to the board means of financing risk.


​Website Updates & Development Duties:

  • Update data on amd as changes identified.

  • Develop new Lions Central Database (LCD) to centralize all Lions data related to club information (membership, volunteers, Leos, etc.)


Constitution & By-Laws Duties:

  • Assure that the Club operates within the parameters of the International, State and Local constitutions and by-laws.

  • Recommend changes to the Constitution and by-laws as necessary.


Lion Emergency Assistance Program (LEAP) Duties:

  • Assure that guidelines are met regarding individual assistance to members in time of crisis, hardship or emergency and ensure that confidentiality is maintained.

  • Keep Board informed of totals of disbursements, but not names of recipients.


Lion of the Year Duties:

  • Nominate at least three Lions for this award from the current membership.

  • Following established procedure, committee members will be past recipients of the Lion of the Year Award.

  • The chair will be the most recent winner .

  • Additional nominees may be made from the floor, however, nominees cannot be previous recipients of the award.


Long Range Planning Duties:

  • Consider a 5 year projection that includes examines these issues:

    • The future focus of the Club's activities

    • Development of a Membership Retention Plan

    • Club activities and organizational structure

  • As a minimum, consider the following areas: Buildings, Facilities, Location & Market Day; Community involvement; Lions District, State and International involvement.


Melvin Jones Duties:

  • Nominate deserving Lions from this Club as recipients of the Melvin Jones Award.

  • Only past recipients are eligible to participate on this committee.


Nominations Duties:

  • Prepare a slate of nominees for open positions for the upcoming year and present to the membership.

  • This committee is chaired by the 1st Vice-President.

Wimberley Lions Club   |     PO Box 1749, Wimberley, TX  78676
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