Lions Club Management
Membership Duties:
Recruit and retain members and schedule Orientation meetings at least quarterly.
Ensure sponsors fulfill their responsibilities.
Track meeting attendance. Call any member who misses two consecutive regular meetings to determine the reason for the absence.
Coordinate with the Secretary on membership changes.
Maintain the membership contact information in the Club's email tool.
Contact all members as needed and report results to the Board and follow-up on sick members status, including offers of help, as needed.
Responsible for flowers and memorials. Send e-mails to memership with notices of member passings.
Lion Development Duties:
Follow the activities of Lions in the Club.
Recommend improvements of procedures as needed.
Work with Membership and Attendance Committee for attendance records.
Recognize outstanding service.
Ensure grooming for future Club officers.
Recommend "Outstanding Lion" and present awards.
​Benevolent Committee Duties:
Provide meals, visits and assistance to sick Lions as needed.
Public Relations Duties:
Obtain coverage of Club activities in local, Austin and San Antonio media.
Develop articles on Club activities and achievements and submit them to Lions Magazine for publication.
Prepare District communiques when needed.
Finance Duties:
Develop and prepare the Field & Administrative budgets and accounts.
Present necessary updates, reports and modifications to the Board and membership. ​​​​​​​
Risk Management & Safety Duties:
Identify possible accidental loss potential to the Wimberley Lions Club.
Develop programs to minimize or prevent those losses.
Analyze and recommend to the board means of financing risk.
​Website Updates & Development Duties:
Update data on amd as changes identified.
Develop new Lions Central Database (LCD) to centralize all Lions data related to club information (membership, volunteers, Leos, etc.)
Constitution & By-Laws Duties:
Assure that the Club operates within the parameters of the International, State and Local constitutions and by-laws.
Recommend changes to the Constitution and by-laws as necessary.
Lion Emergency Assistance Program (LEAP) Duties:
Assure that guidelines are met regarding individual assistance to members in time of crisis, hardship or emergency and ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
Keep Board informed of totals of disbursements, but not names of recipients.
Lion of the Year Duties:
Nominate at least three Lions for this award from the current membership.
Following established procedure, committee members will be past recipients of the Lion of the Year Award.
The chair will be the most recent winner .
Additional nominees may be made from the floor, however, nominees cannot be previous recipients of the award.
Long Range Planning Duties:
Consider a 5 year projection that includes examines these issues:
The future focus of the Club's activities
Development of a Membership Retention Plan
Club activities and organizational structure
As a minimum, consider the following areas: Buildings, Facilities, Location & Market Day; Community involvement; Lions District, State and International involvement.
Melvin Jones Duties:
Nominate deserving Lions from this Club as recipients of the Melvin Jones Award.
Only past recipients are eligible to participate on this committee.
Nominations Duties:
Prepare a slate of nominees for open positions for the upcoming year and present to the membership.
This committee is chaired by the 1st Vice-President.